"In the search for new sources of energy, thermopower -- the ability to convert temperature differences directly into electricity without wasteful intervening steps -- is tremendously promising," says Junqiao Wu of Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division (MSD), who led the research team. Wu is also a professor of materials science and engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. "But the new effect we've discovered has been overlooked by the thermopower community, and can greatly affect the efficiency of thermopower and other devices."
Wu and his colleagues found that temperature gradients in semiconductors, when one side of the device is hotter than the opposite side, can produce electronic vortices -- whirlpools of electric current -- and can, at the same time, create magnetic fields at right angles to both the plane of the swirling electric currents and the direction of the heat gradient. The researchers report their results in Physical Review B.
Wu says, "There are four well-known effects that relate thermal, electric, and magnetic fields" -- for example, the familiar Hall effect, which describes the voltage difference across an electric conductor in a perpendicular magnetic field -- "but in all these effects the magnetic field is an input, not an outcome. We asked, 'Why not use the electric field and the heat gradient as inputs and try to generate a magnetic field?'"
To test the possibilities, the researchers modeled a practical device made of two layers of silicon: a thin, negatively doped layer (N-type) with an excess of electrons and a thicker, positively doped layer (P-type) with an excess of holes, which are electron absences that behave as positively charged particles.
At the junction where the oppositely doped silicon layers meet, a third kind of layer called a P-N junction forms, not physical but electronic: electrons from the N-type layer diffuse across the physical boundary into the P-type layer while holes move in the opposite direction, forming a depletion layer where charges are "dried out."
Given the high density of mobile electrons at the surface of the N-type layer and the high density of mobile holes at the surface of the P-type layer, but few mobile charges in the depletion layer, the electric field is strongest near the junction. This deep layer has profound effects, when a heat gradient is applied to the joined silicon layers.
Wake up and smell the champagne
"There are three ways charges can move -- three kinds of currents," says Wu. "One is the diffusion current, in which particles move from denser areas to less dense areas. This has nothing to do with charge. Think of a bottle of champagne. I pop the cork, and a little while later you can smell the champagne, because the molecules diffuse from their dense concentration in the bottle into the air."
The second kind of current is called drift current. "If there's a draft in the room moving toward you, you may smell the champagne a little earlier, or if it's moving away from you, a little later," Wu explains. "In an electronic device, a drift current is caused by the voltage bias, the electric field."
Says Wu, "So in an electronic device we have diffusion current away from the dense charge areas, and drift current due to the electric field, and now we add a third, the thermoelectric current, which is another form of drift current in which charge carriers move from the hotter end of the device to the cooler end."
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Wu and his colleagues found that temperature gradients in semiconductors, when one side of the device is hotter than the opposite side, can produce electronic vortices -- whirlpools of electric current -- and can, at the same time, create magnetic fields at right angles to both the plane of the swirling electric currents and the direction of the heat gradient. The researchers report their results in Physical Review B.
Wu says, "There are four well-known effects that relate thermal, electric, and magnetic fields" -- for example, the familiar Hall effect, which describes the voltage difference across an electric conductor in a perpendicular magnetic field -- "but in all these effects the magnetic field is an input, not an outcome. We asked, 'Why not use the electric field and the heat gradient as inputs and try to generate a magnetic field?'"
To test the possibilities, the researchers modeled a practical device made of two layers of silicon: a thin, negatively doped layer (N-type) with an excess of electrons and a thicker, positively doped layer (P-type) with an excess of holes, which are electron absences that behave as positively charged particles.
At the junction where the oppositely doped silicon layers meet, a third kind of layer called a P-N junction forms, not physical but electronic: electrons from the N-type layer diffuse across the physical boundary into the P-type layer while holes move in the opposite direction, forming a depletion layer where charges are "dried out."
Given the high density of mobile electrons at the surface of the N-type layer and the high density of mobile holes at the surface of the P-type layer, but few mobile charges in the depletion layer, the electric field is strongest near the junction. This deep layer has profound effects, when a heat gradient is applied to the joined silicon layers.
Wake up and smell the champagne
"There are three ways charges can move -- three kinds of currents," says Wu. "One is the diffusion current, in which particles move from denser areas to less dense areas. This has nothing to do with charge. Think of a bottle of champagne. I pop the cork, and a little while later you can smell the champagne, because the molecules diffuse from their dense concentration in the bottle into the air."
The second kind of current is called drift current. "If there's a draft in the room moving toward you, you may smell the champagne a little earlier, or if it's moving away from you, a little later," Wu explains. "In an electronic device, a drift current is caused by the voltage bias, the electric field."
Says Wu, "So in an electronic device we have diffusion current away from the dense charge areas, and drift current due to the electric field, and now we add a third, the thermoelectric current, which is another form of drift current in which charge carriers move from the hotter end of the device to the cooler end."
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